A Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, You have given us a beautiful country. Indeed, You brought our ancestors into a good land of flowing waters, rich soil, and abundant products of every sort.  As a people, we are truly blessed.  Lord, in our arrogance we sometimes forget from whom our blessings flow.  Let us remember that without Thee […]


A few days ago I went to see a film entitled Breakthrough. It is the account of a true medical miracle, a young person revived from apparent death from drowning.  It is a true and amazing story, and it is beautifully told and acted. It places great emphasis on the power of prayer. The people […]


All of us have our medical stories.  Some of you suffer from severe physical ailments.  Others are more fortunate.  But even in the worst of times, when the outlook is darkest, there is always hope for a miracle recovery of some sort. A little more than twenty years ago I had that sort of experience. […]

The Missing Keys

My eldest son, also nicknamed Sandy, was born while I was overseas in Korea.  It is somewhat sad to think about it, but when Sandy Jr. graduated from high school in 1972 another war was raging, this time in Vietnam.  Sandy had a low draft number, so he joined the Air Force shortly after his […]