A Catalog of Maliciousness and Mendacity

A Presidential debate is scheduled for this evening. I will follow it closely in the sincere hope that truth will win out. In the long run, yes. Tonight? We must wait and see.

Democrat Party progressives are guilty of a series of vicious and dishonest actions beginning when Donald Trump first announced his candidacy for the office of President in 2015.  Initially they treated Trump political venture as a joke, but when it became clear that Trump was a threat to the existing order they were terrified.  Indeed, some were willing to do anything to prevent his election, or, when he was elected, remove him from office.

During the 2016 election season the Clinton campaign accused Trump of being a puppet of the Russians.  Perhaps some Clinton supporters actually believed it, but if proof was elusive they were willing to fabricate it.  Initially they went after his advisor General Michael Flynn and damaged him almost beyond repair.  Then they paid for the infamous Steele Dossier, a collection of lies and vicious rumors about Donald Trump and his supposed involvement with Moscow prostitutes and the Russian mafia.  The dossier was subtly released to members of the press and Trump’s political opponents, and many were convinced that the dossier’s allegations were true.  American  intelligence services soon discovered otherwise; but even after the Steele Dossier was shown to be little more than a tissue of lies, our counterintelligence operatives used it to support FISA warrants allowing them to investigate various people in Trump’s inner circle.  The dossier also helped prompt the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate Trump’s suspected Russian connections.

The Mueller investigation ran from May 2017 to March 2019, almost the entirety of Trump’s first two years as President.  The investigators found no evidence of any improper connection between the Trump organization and the Russians.  Despite this finding, Democrat Party spokesmen such as Adam Schiff continue to imply such a connection.

As the Mueller hearings ended, progressives remained determined to bring Trump down.  Democrats had regained a majority in the House in January 2919, and they began pursuing a variety of inquiries into Trump’s political and business activities searching for evidence of wrongdoing.  In July 2019 President Trump called Vladimir Zelenski, President of the Ukraine, about military aid, and in the course of the conversation suggested that Ukrainian authorities might investigate Hunter Biden, son of the former American Vice-President, who was at that time involved with the Ukrainian oil company Burisma.  An anti-Trump operative in the State Department reported the phone call to Congressional Democrats, and House Democrats totally misrepresented the call’s content.  Even after the relatively innocuous content of Trump’s phone call was revealed, the House impeached the President on a straight party-line vote.  The substantive charge was that Trump had delayed arms shipments to Ukraine in order to force President Zelensky to investigate Biden family activities in his country.  (There was a delay, but it was of very short duration and evidently had no effect on Ukrainian actions.) This was the first time a President had been impeached without a single concurring vote from a member of the minority party.

The House charged Trump with two articles of impeachment on December 18, 2019.  The Senate acquitted him on February 5, 2020.  Except for Senator Romney’s vote to convict the President of abuse of power, all Republican senators voted to acquit.

Meanwhile, in December 2019 a computer repair shop operator in Wilmington Delaware turned over an unclaimed computer belonging to Hunter Biden to the FBI and suggested that it contained damning evidence of illegal activities by Joseph Biden’s son.

On January 4, 2020, Trump delivered his State of the Union address. The following day he was acquitted of impeachment charges.  At this point in his Presidency, Trump appeared to be at the zenith of his power and prestige.  The economy was booming, inflation and unemployment rates were low, and the world was at peace. The future looked very bright, but a season of troubles was about to begin.   In February-March 2020 the onset of Covid became evident.  On May 25 George Floyd died in the hands of police in Minnesota, and a summer of BLM protests and violent racial rioting irrupted.  The nation was in turmoil, and support for the President waned. Democrat operatives looked for new opportunities to destroy him.

The Covid pandemic had a profound effect on the 2020 Presidential election.

Mail-in voting and vote drop-boxes were promoted to mitigate Covid’s effects.  Unfortunately, this maximized the opportunities for election fraud.  Left wing political activists poured hundreds of millions of dollars in the effort to bring the President down, and they managed to shake every tree and scarf up an unprecedented number of voters.  Even though President Trump exceeded his 2016 vote totals by a considerable margin, Biden managed to receive millions more.  In the end, however, it came down to several key states with margins of only a few thousand votes.  There were many charges of electoral fraud in these states, but time ran out on the Republicans before these charges could be proved.  Nevertheless, one fact was certain,  regardless whether or not these charges of electoral fraud were true, some highly placed operatives in the State Department and the CIA had conspired with the mainstream media to suppress truth that would have been devastating to the Biden campaign — the Hunter Biden laptop was real!  That alone would have swung the election to Trump.

Trump knew he had been cheated out of victory, and he made every possible effort to stop the electoral certification.  Unfortunately, time and tradition were against him, and his persistence alienated many men who had formerly been his supporters.  That was the background of the January 6 Capitol riots.

As the Biden Administration took office, the Pelosi-led House of Representative sought to complete the destruction of former-President Trump.  In violation of normal rules and precedent, it established a star-chamber-like January 6 Committee composed of seven Democrats and two Trump-hating Republicans.  As might be expected, the work and findings of this committee were completely imbalanced.

Democrat leaders seemed surprised that Donald Trump survived their initial post-election effort to destroy him, and he reemerged as the Republican’s leading candidate for the Presidency. At that point the Democrats embarked on a full legal assault in both state and Federal courts, and Trump began to endure prosecution and persecution of a nature unprecedented in American jurisprudential history.  The malicious and mendacious nature of this assault on our former President is shocking.  Is this justice? 

What will happen tonight?    

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